尊敬的参会嘉宾、合作伙伴、参展机构及观众朋友们:Dear participants,partners,exhibitors and visitors,综合考虑现阶段疫情形势及北京等地最新防疫要求,为充分保障大家的健康和权益,经慎重研判,原计划于2022年11月10-12日在北京举办的第23届中国国际教育年会暨展览主体活动(全体大会、平行论坛、项目洽谈、教育展等)将延期举办,具体举办时间另行通知。Considering the current pandemic situation and the latest requirements on pandemic prevention in Beijing and other places of China,in order to protect and guarantee everyone's health and rights,we have decided that the main events of the 2022 China Annual Conference&Expo for International Education(Hereafter as CACIE2022)originally planned to be held in Beijing on November 10-12,2022,including the plenary session,the parallel sessions,Education B2B,China Education Expo,etc.,will be postponed until further notice.延期期间,组委会将密切关注疫情最新形势,充分做好本次年会延期召开的各项工作。请您持续关注年会及教育展官网、微信公众号等官方渠道,了解最新活动资讯与筹备动态。已经报名的参会代表及单位,我们将继续保留您的参会参展名额及权益。请您及时办理住宿、交通等差旅退订手续。同时,线上参会报名将持续开放。We will pay close attention to the latest situation of the pandemic and make comprehensive preparations for the postponement of CACIE2022.Please keep following the official channels such as the website and the Wechat account of CACIE to get the latest information.All rights and interests of the registered and paid participants and exhibitors will remain valid.Please go through the cancellation of your accommodation,transportation and other procedures in a timely manner.At the same time,online registration will continue to be available.衷心感谢各位合作伙伴、参会嘉宾、参展机构以及社会各界长期以来对年会的关注和支持。经多年发展,年会已与中外教育界乃至社会各界形成了紧密的共同体,共同破解教育发展难题、商讨教育改革方略,携手推动关于教育未来的思考、对话与行动。虽然,今年的相聚比以往晚一些,但是没有什么能够撼动我们促进教育事业发展的初心,也阻挡不了中外教育交流与合作的脚步。接下来,我们将坚定信念,满怀信心,以更积极的面貌、更完善的服务、更高效的体验和更优质的内容回馈广大教育工作者及社会各界同仁,全力以赴呈现一场更高规格、更高层次、更高水平且富有成效的国际教育交流盛会。We sincerely thank our partners,participants,exhibitors and all sectors of society for your long-term support to CACIE.After years of development,CACIE has formed a close community with international educators and all sectors of society to jointly solve the common problems of education,discuss the strategies of education reform,and generate the discussions,dialogues and actions on the future of education.Although we will gather together a bit later this year,nothing can alter our original intention to promote the development of education,nor can it stop the pace of the international education exchanges and cooperation across the globe.Next,we will strive to make the CACIE2022 a more fruitful international education event of higher standards,with strong faith and confidence,better services and superior contents.云开疫散终有时,守得初心待重逢。我们终将带着精彩赴约,期待早日与您在年会现场见!Though clouds of difficulty often fall,there still is sunshine for us all.We will eventually meet together with great excitement,and look forward to seeing you soon at CACIE2022!中国教育国际交流协会China Education Associationfor International Exchange2022年11月2日November 2,2022